Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I enjoyed the writing "I don't want to die". I like the way it talks about how many writers go through many internal conflicts. I can really relate to how i will get excited with a story and I'll just run with it and forget to close it or leave holes in the plot. You really do need to be calm and have a plan of action for the story or else it's like running into it like a chicken with its head cut off. What I don't understand however is this drive for writers to create absolute masterpieces. They will go through great trials in their self just to produce one story. It's almost like they're trying to force it instead of just letting it happen. Sometimes nature needs to take its course and we should just flow with it.

When i read "The Samurai" I saw what i've seen in other writing pieces. It talks about how almost every author creates many bad pieces and there's no point in trying to make them good. If it's not happening then it's not happening. The expression they used was "It's like trying to beat a dead horse into running again". Everyone likes to critique others writing and what the author was trying to say is you can't fix everything. Sometimes it's just broken and there's nothing to be done about it. I understand this in that sometimes you feel like someone's on to something and maybe you can perfect it but first impressions can be deceiving. What every author is trying to do is get that one piece that has everyone talking and gets a good emotion out of them.

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