Thursday, February 23, 2012

the letter from home

I thoroughly enjoyed "The Letter From Home" because it described so much in so little paragraphs. I felt like i saw a huge period of time and there wasn't much read. The adjectives and verbs were so unique like "the fridge hummed, the curtains billowed up". I would never think to write something like that yet it made so much sense to me. It's nice reading something i could potentially think up yet still would most likely never be thought up. When i read this story i get the feeling that the person writing the letter is at the point in her life that she has to do something she doesn't like at all and is waiting for the day that it all changes. The fact that she says at the end of the story "I turned and rowed away, as if i didn't know what i was doing.". This to me lets me think that she is just floating by through life at the moment and is looking for something better than what is already available to her.

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