Wednesday, April 18, 2012

final extra credit blog

I have learned much more this semester than I thought i would. I learned that in poetry you can do almost anything you want with any kind of exercise. All the way from grabbing random words from a poem to stealing one line and using it to start off a story and just going. It's all about having an original idea and just building on it. I find this fascinating in that I always have a running imagination and this is a way where I can let it go and see where it takes me. This even goes for writing fiction stories. Because it's fiction it doesn't matter if certain parts don't make sense by themselves just as long as it works with the story. This opens up the door for infinite possibilities and anyone can make a great story.

I came from going to class being a chore to actually enjoying coming and talking about different stories and ideas. It's a place where anyone's opinion counts and nothing is judged, at least I don't judge. I can take concepts and ideas from this class and apply it to many other things. My favorite fiction story that I wrote is about the man making his own religion. It's exciting to take some idea or concept that I've seen and write a story that has that idea in mind but in a different way. This way of writing makes me realize how shows like "south park" come up with their ideas for their episodes. All it is some concept they take from real life and they exploit the flaws and comedy of it. I wish I was talented enough to consistently come up with ideas for stories and have them be good.

Overall I really enjoyed this class and I'm glad I could take something away from it. Most gen eds don't really have a point but if at some point in life I ever get bored with what i'm doing then I can just write short stories. It's entertaining and fun and who knows, maybe one day i'll have a story that's really good and I can publish it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I enjoyed the writing "I don't want to die". I like the way it talks about how many writers go through many internal conflicts. I can really relate to how i will get excited with a story and I'll just run with it and forget to close it or leave holes in the plot. You really do need to be calm and have a plan of action for the story or else it's like running into it like a chicken with its head cut off. What I don't understand however is this drive for writers to create absolute masterpieces. They will go through great trials in their self just to produce one story. It's almost like they're trying to force it instead of just letting it happen. Sometimes nature needs to take its course and we should just flow with it.

When i read "The Samurai" I saw what i've seen in other writing pieces. It talks about how almost every author creates many bad pieces and there's no point in trying to make them good. If it's not happening then it's not happening. The expression they used was "It's like trying to beat a dead horse into running again". Everyone likes to critique others writing and what the author was trying to say is you can't fix everything. Sometimes it's just broken and there's nothing to be done about it. I understand this in that sometimes you feel like someone's on to something and maybe you can perfect it but first impressions can be deceiving. What every author is trying to do is get that one piece that has everyone talking and gets a good emotion out of them.

Monday, April 2, 2012

fiction packet 3

When we were doing poetry I didn't have that much of an interest but now that we've moved onto fiction stories I'm extremely interested. From the fiction packet 3 there were two stories that I enjoyed the most. The first was "the singing fish" and the second was "the falling girl". Both had interesting elements to them and they stood out the most of all the short stories.

The singing fish upon first read was very confusing. When i read it a second time i realized if you replace certain words like "fish" with human it makes much more sense. They're talking about going into a cave and seeing all these markings and talking about how words have other meanings. A direct quote for this is "isn't every thing a word hidden and hiding as something else?". This shows that the point of the story is to try to say even if someone shows or says something it has many meanings and it might not be the one we originally think of. I like this concept because everyday we see huge misunderstandings and if everyone just thought of this there would be much less fighting or disputes.

The falling girl was my favorite story of them all. The fact that it's symbolism for a girl who has all these life decisions and she passes them up and all of a sudden she's old is intriguing. What I get out of it is that life is full of opportunities and it might not necessarily be what we envisioned but we shouldn't pass them up. If this happens then our life will feel meaningless and full of regrets. Everyone wants to be remembered and looked up upon but the only way to do this is to fully accept who we are and do what we have to do. When she doesn't make a splatter or sound when she hits the ground lets me think that her life had no impact on anything. I think this story is full of symbolism and can be taken anyway but that's what I get out of it.